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We help foreign Companies and Organizations, to start business in Denmark.

Our services goes from the Strategic considerations, over Marked research, and partner match, to physical establishing a company, including location and Employee search. You can choose a part, or all of our services.

Our customers are a wide range of companies and organizations, from small companies to big enterprises, and are in all kind of Business, including knowledge heavy sectors as Medico, IT, and Science.  

It is our goal that our fee is self financing, as we find the right solutions at the right price for you. 


  • Marked study, from simple to Complex.

  • Find a good local partner with a good reputation, 

  • Setting up companies, including Bank, lawyer, Accountant with value for money.

  • Find office/business locations, to the right price.

  • EU/Local Grants and support 

  • A course in how to deal with the Danish people – and the (big) difference between the attitude in the Scandinavian countries 

  • Public Relation (Through Partner)

  • Recruitment ( Through Partner)

  • Relocation

  • Political assistance


Do not hesitate to contact us, for a free and in depended talk about your project.


If we can’t help you, we probably know the best to contact.


EU grants

We work with specialist in EU grants, and help you get local or EU grants to start your business

Embassy service

Meetings and VIP meetings

If you are visiting Denmark, and want to meet a special type of Danish Businessmen, including top level management, Branch organization, politicians etc, we can arrange and book the meetings for you.


Marked research

We can make marked research for your products in Denmark, and Scandinavia. From time to time, we make marked research in the Baltic countries.

The studies can go from brief marked studies, to specific product analyses, and setting up meetings with potential partners.

If it is your strategic idea to buy a local player, we can find and advise you in full confidentiality and with a non disclose agreement if you like.


Vision/advisory Boards

We can setup advisory boards, with local advisors and business connections. The Advisory board, will be designed to your products/services and be relevant Business people ( from 2-6)  as an in formal forum, where you in full confidentiality can discuss your business idea.


In case you want your product tested in the Danish Marked, we can set up in depended User/customer groups, where the products can be tested. 


Management Consultant and Interim management

We can provide you with classical management consultant in all areas ( some of them through trusted partners ), and temporary management in the start up phase, or provide you with good recruitment companies – depending on the type of employee you want. 

We have a M&A function, including Corporate finance, and are able to find you potential merge partners.


Setting up company and holding structure

We help you find the right legal intensity from SPV to full (Danish-) holding construction. We corporate with both small and big lawer and accounting companies, and will help you find the right one.



Danish holding Companies


  • We can provide you with 100% foreign owned Danish Holding companies, including address, telephone and business service. 

  • M&A


We are professionals in M&A and Corporate financing, and can in full confidentiality find you potential local partners for sale, including keeping your company confidential if wanted.

We work with lawyers, accountants and local finance institutions, and can guide you, who will be the right partner in each case. 

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Fisker & Partners


Vejenbroedvej 50

2980 Kokkedal


T: +45 29 70 00 50  M:

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